Anna Twardowski, RN, BSN, CSN

Daniel Webster School

T. 201-422-6152







Tips for stopping the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

 Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer after eating, using the restroom, coughing, sneezing, or touching your face.

 Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your sleeve. Throw away the tissue and ten properly sanitize your hands.

Discourage touching your face, sharing drinks, food, or facial products.

 Discourage handshaking, high-fives, and other forms of close contact.

 If you are sick stay home from school, work, or other gatherings.

 You should be fever free for 24 hours without medication before returning to work or school.

 If you develop symptoms of a fever (100.4 degrees or greater), a cough or shortness of breath please call your healthcare provider before going in to their office. This will help to prevent the spread of viruses.

 Clean high touch surfaces (e.g., door handles, faucets, and light switches) daily.

Summary of Selected School Health

Mandates and Resources

August 2017-2020

Annual Distribution of the Meningitis Fact Sheet

N.J.S.A. 18A:40-21.2 requires that school districts annually distribute the educational fact sheet on meningitis to parents or guardians of students entering sixth grade. The fact sheet is also available to private schools, although they are encouraged, but not required, to distribute.

Annual Distribution of Fact Sheet on Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

N.J.S.A. 18A:40-42 requires public schools to annually distribute a fact sheet about vaccination against HPV to parents or guardians of students in grade seven. Private schools are encouraged, but not required, to distribute the fact sheet.

N.J.S.A. 18A:40-41.2 requires public schools to distribute the annual educational fact sheet on sports-related concussion and head injury to the parents or guardians of students participating in interscholastic sports and cheerleading and to obtain a signed receipt.

About Asthma

PACNJ Website.

Food Allergy Action

Food Allergy and AnaphylaxisEmergency Care Plan


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Provide

additional information about vaccines and recommended schedules.

NJ FamilyCare

Pursuant to N.J.A.C.6A:16-2.2(j), school districts are required to make information accessible regarding the NJ FamilyCare Program for students who are knowingly without medical coverage.

Scholastic Student-Athlete Safety Act

The Scholastic Student-Athlete Safety Act (P.L.2013, c.71) was signed into law to establish measures to ensure the health of student athletes in public and nonpublic schools.

For assistance regarding the implementation of the Scholastic Student-Athlete Safety Act, please access the frequently asked questions document.

Additionally, see both the Scholastic Student-Athlete Safety Act Required Materials Broadcast memo, as well as the Scholastic Student-Athlete Safety Act memo, for more information.

Sports-Related Eye Injuries

N.J.S.A.18A: 40-41.9b requires each school district and nonpublic school to annually distribute the educational fact sheet on sports-related eye injuries to the parents or guardians of the students.

Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Athletes Pamphlet

Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:40-41c through d, school districts must distribute the Sudden Cardiac Death In Young Athletes pamphlet to each student-athlete and to the parents or guardians of the student-athlete. The student-athlete and parent or guardian certification and sign-off sheet must also be disseminated and collected.

Student Annual information sheet:

Health Habits

We make every effort to ensure your child’s health and safety while at school. We encourage you to set a healthy routine for your child at home, including an early bedtime, good breakfast in the morning, and a healthy snack at school (i.e. fruits, vegetables, pretzels, yogurt and juice or milk). Please DO NOT send soda, chips or candies to school with your child.


Make sure your child is appropriately dressed for the weather. For safety reasons, we ask that your child does not wear sandals or open toe shoes to school. (If sandals are worn, please have child wear socks with them.) If your child comes to school wearing sandals, he/she will not be allowed to participate in gym class or recess (again, for safety reasons). Please label all outerwear and backpacks with your child’s first and last name, as well as the classroom number.


Although good attendance in school is extremely important to your child’s education, it is just as important that your child stays at home if he/she is ill. If your child is ill during the night or before coming to school in the morning, please keep him/her at home. If your child is experiencing any of the following symptoms, please do not send him/her to school:


Ear pain



Pink eye/drainage from the eyes


As per the NJ State Department of Education, NO medication can be administered without a written prescription from a doctor (not even over the counter medications).

Any child requiring medication for ANY REASON in school must have a written and signed order from the prescribing doctor and from a parent. The doctor’s written permission MUST INCLUDE diagnosis/indication for the medicine, the name of the drug, dose and time of administration.

Medication must be brought to school BY A PARENT in the original, labeled container, including all necessary information (prescription/MD permission and parent’s written permission

New Jersey law requires that every child six months through 59 months of age attending any licensed child-care center or preschool facility shall annually receive at least one dose of influenza vaccine between September 1st and December 31st of each year.

Children who have not received the flu vaccine by December 31st, 2020 must be excluded from school for the duration of the influenza season (through March 31st, 2021) or until they receive at least one dose of the influenza vaccine.

Please contact your physician as soon as possible to schedule an appointment so that your child is properly immunized. If your child does not receive the state mandated vaccine prior to December 31, he or she will not be permitted to return to school when we resume in January 2021.